After Hours Barbershop-style Women's Quartet Call: 845-485-1844 Karen, Angie, Jodie & Lisa


We are After Hours Quartet - L-R  Karen, Cary, Angie, and Lisa. Jodie sings the Baritone part in After Hours.  She likes singing all the weird notes that make the song "Barbershop Style". Lisa is our After Hours Bass.  She provides us with a firm foundation for our barbershop chords. Angela is our Lead After Hours.  She sings the melody and is our very own American Idol! Karen is our Tenor, After Hours.  She sings all the beautiful high notes and is the "icing on the cake".
Click here for a list of our upcoming Shows and Performances Click here to see photos from recent performances Click here for a list of our current repertoire of songs. We sing at Weddings, parties of all kinds, Singing Valentines,  in fact, any special occasion! If you would like to hear our demo tape, send us an e-mail... Contest Uptune and Ballad  recordings can be heard  here.


Click on one of the

links below ...


Upcoming Shows









We sing at Weddings,
Birthday Parties,
Valentines Day,
Holiday Events, etc...



After Hours congratulates Pete Seeger
on his 2009 GRAMMY Award for At 89.

We are proud to be among the
performers on this wonderful CD!



Demo tape available...
Videos are available...



We are all members of the
Evergreen Chorus in
Region 15
Sweet Adelines,


After Hours Quartet is a women's a capella ensemble.
We sing barbershop style harmony and are located in Poughkeepsie, NY.
We are available to sing for organizations and occasions.


Sample Songs List    


Book a Performance
or write us an email at:



(we have substituted the (at) for @ and the (dot) for . to cut down on spam...)